Archive for July, 2021

How Much Cardio Should You Do To Lose Belly Fat? (4 Step Plan)

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Wondering how much cardio is needed to burn belly fat? Well, you’re in the right place. We’re going to talk all about cardio, and more specifically how you can use it to get rid of belly fat. The truth is, most people seeking burn belly fat approach their cardio routines the wrong way and fail to account for the various metabolic adaptations we experience. The good news though is by Implementing the right cardio plan, you will be able to break through any plateaus you encounter to the point where you’re able to lose belly fat. Before that, let’s first take a look at the problems we face when it comes to cardio and belly fat loss.

One of the major limitations with cardio for fat loss is that as we lose weight and improve our fitness levels, our body compensates by trying to burn less calories throughout the day. That’s obviously bad news if you want to burn belly fat. And is also why your cardio plan needs to be designed and actually progressed overtime such that it accounts for this. But, at the same time, you don’t want to do too much too soon.

So, how exactly do we account for those factors? Well, we can do so with a 4-step plan that when combined with a calorie deficit from your diet, will help you lean down and eventually get rid of belly fat. The first thing we need to do here is establish a small amount of cardio to get you in the habit of moving and adhering to a cardio plan that we can then progress. What I’d recommend is just 10 minutes of incline walking every single day. You can swap this for light cycling or any low intensity, low impact cardio modality.

In step 2, we want to then very gradually start increasing the duration and/or difficulty of our cardio sessions. But again, the key here though is that you’re simply increasing your cardio very gradually overtime to enable you to break through any plateaus you encounter so you lose belly fat successfully. That said, the extent to which you do so though will vary individually and depend on your lifestyle.

As you apply the above 3 steps, you need to ensure that you’re not then compensating outside of these cardio sessions. So, to avoid this possible compensation from impeding your belly fat loss, you need to control and monitor 3 variables. First, your step count. Second, you need to be adhering to a regular weightlifting routine. And lastly, you need to monitor and control your calorie intake and ensure that you’re still adhering to a calorie deficit.

Now the last step here has to do with maintaining your new physique. Find a routine or hobby that you can now stick to that’ll enable you to maintain your new bodyweight and physique with ease.

Here’s a summary of what I’ve covered on how much cardio is needed to burn belly fat:

Step 1 (Baseline): Start at a low baseline level of cardio.

Step 2 (Increase): In gradual increments, increase the duration/difficulty of your weekly cardio sessions every time you reach a plateau.

Step 3 (Control): Control all other variables and keep them consistent (weights routine, daily steps, calorie intake) to avoid compensating for your cardio sessions.

Step 4 (Maintain): After you’ve successfully stripped off the belly fat, find a routine that’ll enable you to maintain your new bodyweight and physique.

Just keep in mind that you need to be pairing your cardio routine with a regular weightlifting routine and a solid nutrition plan, as these will both help speed up the process and ensure that you don’t just end up “skinny fat” by the end of your fat loss journey. And for a step by step plan that shows you exactly how to do this by optimizing your workouts, nutrition, and cardio plan for you such that you can lean down as efficiently as possible with science, just like countless of our members have done with their Built With Science programs, then simply take the analysis quiz below to discover which specific program is best for your body and where it’s currently at:
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*The scientific contents of this video have been proof-read and verified by published researcher Dr. K Rayani, PhD in Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology

Filmed by: Bruno Martin Del Campo





Breakfast At Tiffany's- Deep Blue Something (with lyrics)

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this is one of my favourite songs

*this is the first video ive made so feel free to leave comments
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How Cooking oil ATM works

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How Cooking oil ATM works

Cooking oil ATM dispenser working at a site in Nakuru Kenya.
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Made on order
Has a 13 month warranty
Comes with warmers that ensure the oil is always in liquid state and doesn’t block the system
Has a password protected system that can store sale records
It is calibrated accordng to your selling price
delivery is free if your within a 200km radius
comes in various capacities; 50,100,150 and 200 liters

0717 263 774
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Why is it so hard to lose weight after 40?

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It is no secret that once you hit your 40s, it is harder to lose weight, something that is especially true for women. Subscribe to WBAL on YouTube now for more:

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Breakfast at Tiffany's – Holly meets Paul (1) – Audrey Hepburn

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Holly (Audrey Hepburn) meets Paul ( Fred Baby 🙂 ) for the first time in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
My Favorite part in this one is when she is brushing her teeth, shoe was in the plant, and woke up in a tuxedo shirt!

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For more Audrey Hepburn visit:
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Managing Kid's Cooking Activities

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Managing Kid's Cooking Activities

Managing Kid’s Cooking Activities. Part of the series: Fun Recipes for Cooking with Kids. Teach while you cook! Learn how to help your kids learn while cooking in this free video clip about easy kid recipes.
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Rutgers’ youngest students are getting a taste of what it’s like to cook at a new teaching kitchen specifically designed for preschoolers. The new facility is designed to help children embrace healthy eating at a young age. Watch and see some cute chefs in action.

4k to 1080 export
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Drinking Water To Lose Weight, The Water Diet !!!

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If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’ve probably heard it more than once, drink more water to help you lose more weight. So can drinking more water really help you lose weight? The short answer is yes .In this video we’re going to see the important things to know about the importance of drinking water to lose weight.

Drinking water helps boost your metabolism, cleanse your body of waste and acts as an appetite suppressant. Also, drinking more water helps your body stop retaining water, leading you to drop those extra pounds of water weight.
Water aids digestion and promotes the normal functioning of many body organs including the liver. Lack of regular intake of water will slow digestion, decrease fat metabolism and give you the feeling that you are bloated and tired.

Drinking sufficient quantity of water increases the rate at which our liver burns off fat. If you drink inadequate quantities of water, your liver ends up working exhaustively thus storing more fat as it becomes difficult to burn fat more effectively.

If you want to lose weight, you should drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. However, to really get the process moving, drink half your body weight in ounces each day. So, if you weigh 180 pounds, you should drink about 90 ounces of water a day — roughly 11 glasses of water.

Drinking ice cold water helps boost your metabolism because your body has to work harder to warm the water up, therefore burning more calories and helping you to lose weight. Plus, ice cold water is just so much more refreshing than water that’s room temperature.
Replace sweetened drinks with water. Instead of drinking soda, alcoholic beverages, smoothies, or other high-calorie drinks, grab a glass or bottle of water.

Swapping in a zero-calorie beverage for high-calorie alternatives can spare you hundreds of calories per day, further aiding in weight loss.
Drink water before you eat drinking water before meals can make you feel fuller and therefore reduce your food intake as it acts like an appetite suppressant.

Health resource website WebMD states that drinking water before meals results in an average reduction in intake of 75 calories per meal. Drinking water before just one meal per day would cause you to ingest 27,000 fewer calories per year. Do the math: You’d lose about eight pounds per year just from drinking water! Now imagine if you drank it before each meal.