Archive for the 'Weight' Category

How to lose weight after menopause | Story from Bright Line Eating

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Best-selling author and founder of Bright Line Eating, Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson explains that while hormones can impact how we lose weight, it’s still possible to get rid of unwanted pounds after menopause.
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How To Start Running When You're Overweight

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Here’s how to start running when you’re overweight. Losing weight can feel extremely daunting as a task, and as such keeps even the most strong-willed people from getting started. While it may feel too intimidating to walk into a gym without a plan or self-confidence, it’s never too early to simply start moving. Coach Holly breaks down her best tips for getting started safely and making it stick. Consider this the start of an awesome journey!

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Top 3 mistakes in reducing post-pregnancy weight | Dr Pal

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Top 3 mistakes in reducing post-pregnancy weight | Dr Pal

The reason for weight gain after pregnancy is not the new mother – it’s the people surrounding her. I will explain this in 3 different angles.

1.New mother’s family – the biggest misconception is that if we feed the mom more, mom will secrete more breast milk and the baby will grow stronger. Breastfeeding mothers are not broiler chickens – they generally need only 350-400 more calories to meet their nutritional needs.

2. New mother’s visitors – they should avoid bringing packaged foods as they contain artificial sweeteners and preservatives with no nutritional value.

3. New mother’s husband – they should make arrangements for the new mother to sleep at least 6-7 hours per day and 2 liters of water per day. Studies show that sleep deprivation and dehydration is the main reason for weight gain after pregnancy.

Dr. Palaniappan Manickam MD, MPH
Internal Medicine | Gastroenterology | Epidemiologist

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Effective Tips to Reduce Belly After a C-Section Delivery

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Thinking of shedding those extra kilos after your co-section? If you are also looking for tips and exercises on how to reduce tummy after c-section, we have an amazing surprise for you. Here we have listed safe and practical exercise tips for moms looking to reduce their tummy after their c-section. Reducing the tummy after cesarean delivery is not impossible, but it also comes with a caution. After a C-section, your body needs time to heal first. Forcing yourself to lose those extra kilos is harmful and may cause unnecessary complications.

Let’s see some effective and safe ways to reduce your tummy after a C-section delivery. We strongly advise getting a first-hand opinion from your doctor before hitting the gym again to ensure a safe ride to belly fat trimming.

#howtoreducetummyaftercsection #howtoreducingbellyaftercesarean

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Content used in this video is for informational purpose only and should not be considered as a substitute for advice from doctors or any health care professional. We strongly recommend seeking medical advice before proceeding.

The images shown in the video are illustration purpose only.

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How to Lose Belly Fat

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How to Lose Belly Fat

Reducing belly fat is probably one of the most common goals in fitness.
I get asked about this EVERY DAY. Multiple times.
And while we CAN lose belly fat, we can’t significantly TARGET our fat loss there with ab workouts like leg raises, situps, or crunches.
“Spot reduction” with exercise is not effective.*
We lose fat proportionately throughout our body with diet and exercise.
Individuals do tend to store fat in different areas, but this is largely up to genetics.

*I’m aware of some more recent studies that show some spot reduction by doing high-intensity workouts in an area followed by cardio. However, there aren’t MANY studies about this, and it’s debatable whether or not this is significantly more effective than just regular diet and exercise. It’s also unknown if there were other factors in this study. It’s interesting, but I’m hesitant to recommend it until we know more.

Legal Notice: Consult your doctor before beginning any kind of exercise program. This video does not replace a physical therapy program or consultation with a medical professional.

#hybridcalisthenics #bellyfat #fatloss #weightloss #spotreduction

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How to Lose Upper Body Weight/ Make Your Upper Body and Lower Body Proportionate

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Join the 6-week weight loss challenge:

If your upper body is bigger than your lower body, use the tips in this video to make them proportional.
Even though spot reduction is not possible, you can make your body proportional.
Share the video with anyone who may want to lose upper body weight.
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The Ultimate Guide to Vitamin B Complex | Bursting with Benefits.

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Vitamin B complex is a group of essential water-soluble vitamins that play a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. The B vitamins include thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), folate (B9), and cobalamin (B12).

#healthtips #healthinfo #vitaminbcomplex
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BEST Strategy To Losing Body Fat And Building Muscle Mass

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In this QUAH Sal, Adam, & Justin answer the question “What’s the best strategy to lose body fat and build muscle mass? Focus on body fat reduction first or combination of both which seems difficult with a caloric restriction or surplus?”.

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You CAN'T Build Muscle and Burn Fat at the Same Time!!

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to build muscle and burn fat at the same time? If so, this video will answer your question once and for all. In this episode of “AX JEFF”, Jeff Cavaliere and Jesse Laico will answer the viewer’s question about burning fat and building muscle at once and exactly how it works.

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While many will argue that in order to build muscle, you have to be in a caloric surplus and that to burn fat, you need to be a caloric deficit. This is partly true. While you need to be in a deficit to burn fat; to build muscle, you are not looking at a surplus of consumed calories, but an energy surplus.

In order fuel muscle protein synthesis, your body can use stored body fat as it’s preferred energy source. The more body fat you have, the easier this is because you often times have a readily available source of this stored energy. Of course, the person looking to build muscle and burn fat at the same time has some body fat to lose!

There are some key elements of caloric intake that need to be done right in order to successfully burn fat and build muscle at the same time. There needs to be a caloric deficit from your maintenance levels, but people often fail by attacking this deficit too aggressively. Exceeding a 15% deficit is setting yourself up for failure. If you go above this amount in an attempt to speed up the process of fat loss, you will have far less control over limiting the supply of calories to body fat stores and likely start breaking down muscle in order to energize the process. This is definitely not good if you are looking to build muscle.

Speaking of building more muscle, we also know this will require you to increase your protein intake, but not as much as you think; I’ll get back to that in a minute.

It is also important to make sure you dial in your nutrition by removing the junk from your diet and introducing nutrient dense foods that will provide your body what it needs without the excess calories.

So, how much protein do you need in order to build muscle? While it has been traditionally said that you need 1 gram per lb of bodyweight, recent studies have shown that that number is about .8 grams per lb of bodyweight. While rounding up provides an even 1:1 ratio that’s easy to follow, a 20% difference makes an impact on your grocery bill as the amount of money you need to spend decreases by 20% as well.

Building muscle and burning fat doesn’t start and end with nutrition; training is a major factor as well. Most people think that simple cardio will be enough to burn fat, but I will argue that it is not necessary. What IS necessary is resistance training! Why? You can burn fat by remaining in a caloric deficit, but to build muscle, resistance training is required. However, cardio and conditioning are necessary parts of training to be a healthy, functioning human being.

It is also important to note that this sets you up for success because instead of cutting out 500 calories of nutrient dense food from your diet, you can cut 300 calories and burn the extra 200 from your training. That’s 200 calories you are saving worth of important nutrients, especially protein.

Now some might argue that the most effective way of burning fat and building muscle would be bulking and cutting, I am going to disagree. Yes, while a successful bulk and cut might be faster, the key word is successful. I would argue that for every successful bulk and cut, there are a million people out there who have failed at it.

Let me explain. What often happens during a bulk and cut is that people lack the proper nutritional discipline to successfully change their diet in order to cut. Thus, they stay in a perpetual bulk and continue to increase in size and body fat.

This leads to what I call “The Big Guy Lie”. That is, because they failed their original goal of burning fat, they decide that being lean is overrated and all that matters now is to be as big and strong as possible instead of achieving the goal they originally set out to achieve.

If you’re looking to have your question answered in a future episode of AX JEFF, leave a comment below and you just might be selected next.

If you are looking to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, our step-by-step training programs and nutrition plans will help you to achieve just that. You can check them out at and be sure to take our program selector quiz to find the workout plan that best suits your current goals.

For more videos on how to build muscle and burn fat in a healthy, sustainable way, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube via the link below and remember to turn on your notification so you never miss a new video when it’s published.
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The Ultimate Guide To Weight Loss For Runners 2024

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The Ultimate Guide To Weight Loss For Runners 2024

Click the link below to watch my free video on what to eat before a run:

Want to learn how to lose weight with running?

In this video I break down weight loss for runners, and go through weight loss tips to help you lose weight and keep it off for good.

To lose weight effectively, you need a proper plan. You need the right mindset for weight loss, you need a running plan for weight, a nutrition plan for weight loss, and you need to be able to track your numbers as well as stay motivated.

This weight loss guide will give you all you need to lose weight properly and keep it off for good.

00:00 Introduction
01:28 The basic principles of weight loss
03:07 Putting principles into practice
04:17 Setting realistic goals
06:10 Training and nutrition strategies
08:56 Calories amounts for weight loss
11:00 Recovery nutrition
13:19 Staying motivated and tracking progress
14:59 How often to weigh yourself


👉🏼 Boost your training and racing by nailing your nutrition

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The aim of this channel is provide free nutrition advice to triathletes and any other athlete who might find it useful. That won’t change, but if you want to help me to create these free videos then I would really appreciate it 🙂


Hi! I’m James. I’m a Sport and Exercise Nutritionist and I make videos on nutrition to give people simple, clear and easy to use information on a range of subjects. I focus on triathlon and how triathletes can use nutrition to help properly fuel their training and racing.

In my day job I work as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner in General Practice, or Family Medicine for those of you not in the UK, and work in a busy NHS GP practice. I’m a Specialist Paramedic by background and have full independent medicine prescribing rights.

Advanced Clinical Practitioner in Family Medicine, BSc, PGCert
Registered Sport and Exercise Nutritionist (SENr)
MSc Sport and Exercise Nutrition
Nutrition Consultant for Hurry The Food Up
Great Britain Age Group Triathlete
Qualified L2 British Triathlon Coach

I am not affiliated or sponsored by any brands, companies or products that I mentioned or show in my videos. My aim is to make these videos free from any sort of bias!

These videos shouldn’t be taken as direct, personal advice on medicine or nutrition but more for information purposes based on the latest research and evidence. Unless otherwise clearly stated, this information is more suited to adults as under 18s have different requirements and considerations. I’m happy to answer any questions you might have as an individual though!


Video Rating: / 5

WEIGHT LOSS TIPS // 9 science-backed tips to lose weight + keep it off

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Most weight loss tips don’t work long-term because they focus on quick fixes. In this video, I’m going to share 9 science-backed tips that do work and have research to back them up. These are the tips that helped me lose 40 pounds gradually and keep it off.

Note: Any reference to diabetes in this video is to type 2 diabetes and not type 1 diabetes.


TIP 1:

Sugar and association with type 2 diabetes (keep in mind association is not causation):


TIP 2:

TIP 3:

TIP 4:

TIP 5:

TIP 6:

TIP 7:

TIP 8:

TIP 9:


The information provided on this channel is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information on this channel for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you suspect you might have a health problem.