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Intermittent Fasting – How it Works? Animation

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Intermittent Fasting - How it Works? Animation

Effect of fasting on fat burn, insulin sensitivity and brain’s health. Methods and tips for safe and effective fasting. This video is available for instant download licensing here :
©Alila Medical Media. All rights reserved.
Voice by: Ashley Fleming
All images/videos by Alila Medical Media are for information purposes ONLY and are NOT intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Intermittent fasting refers to eating plans that alternate between fasting and eating periods. The goal is to systematically starve the body long enough to trigger fat burning. While research is still underway and the method may not be suitable for everyone, there is evidence that, when done correctly, intermittent fasting can help lose weight, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent or control diabetes, and improve brain’s health.
During a meal, carbohydrates in food are broken down into glucose. Glucose absorbs through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream and is transported to various organs, where it serves as the major energy source. Excess glucose is stored for later use in the liver and adipose tissue, in the form of glycogen and fats. In between meals, when the body is in the fasted state, the liver converts glycogen back to glucose to keep supplying the body with energy. Typically, an inactive person takes about 10 to 12 hours to use up the glycogen stores, although someone who exercises may do so in much less time. Once the reserve of glycogen in the liver is depleted, the body taps into energy stores in adipose tissues. This is when fats are broken down into free fatty acids which are then converted into additional metabolic fuel in the liver. Thus, if the fasted state lasts long enough, the body burns fat for energy and loses that extra fat. Losing the extra fat is translated into a range of associated health benefits.
Insulin is the hormone required for driving glucose into cells. Insulin level is regulated to match the amount of glucose in the blood, that is, high after a meal and low between meals. Because insulin is secreted after each meal, eating throughout the day keeps insulin levels high most of the time. Constant high insulin levels may de-sensitize body tissues, causing insulin insensitivity – the hallmark of prediabetes and diabetes type 2. Fasting helps keep insulin levels low, reducing diabetes risks.
Fasting also has beneficial effect on the brain. It challenges the brain the same way physical or cognitive exercise does. It promotes production of neurotrophic factors, which support the growth and survival of neurons.
Fasting, however, is not for everyone.
Fasting can also be unsafe if overdone, or if not done correctly.
There are several approaches to intermittent fasting, but the easiest to achieve is perhaps the one that simply extends the usual nighttime fast. A daily cycle of 16-hour fast followed by a 8-hour eating window is usually sustainable.
For intermittent fasting to be safe and effective, it must be combined with balanced meals that provide good nutrition. It is important to stay hydrated, and know your physical limits while fasting. The fast must be broken slowly. Overeating after fast, especially of unhealthy foods, must be avoided.

How Much Cardio Should You Do To Lose Belly Fat? (4 Step Plan)

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Wondering how much cardio is needed to burn belly fat? Well, you’re in the right place. We’re going to talk all about cardio, and more specifically how you can use it to get rid of belly fat. The truth is, most people seeking burn belly fat approach their cardio routines the wrong way and fail to account for the various metabolic adaptations we experience. The good news though is by Implementing the right cardio plan, you will be able to break through any plateaus you encounter to the point where you’re able to lose belly fat. Before that, let’s first take a look at the problems we face when it comes to cardio and belly fat loss.

One of the major limitations with cardio for fat loss is that as we lose weight and improve our fitness levels, our body compensates by trying to burn less calories throughout the day. That’s obviously bad news if you want to burn belly fat. And is also why your cardio plan needs to be designed and actually progressed overtime such that it accounts for this. But, at the same time, you don’t want to do too much too soon.

So, how exactly do we account for those factors? Well, we can do so with a 4-step plan that when combined with a calorie deficit from your diet, will help you lean down and eventually get rid of belly fat. The first thing we need to do here is establish a small amount of cardio to get you in the habit of moving and adhering to a cardio plan that we can then progress. What I’d recommend is just 10 minutes of incline walking every single day. You can swap this for light cycling or any low intensity, low impact cardio modality.

In step 2, we want to then very gradually start increasing the duration and/or difficulty of our cardio sessions. But again, the key here though is that you’re simply increasing your cardio very gradually overtime to enable you to break through any plateaus you encounter so you lose belly fat successfully. That said, the extent to which you do so though will vary individually and depend on your lifestyle.

As you apply the above 3 steps, you need to ensure that you’re not then compensating outside of these cardio sessions. So, to avoid this possible compensation from impeding your belly fat loss, you need to control and monitor 3 variables. First, your step count. Second, you need to be adhering to a regular weightlifting routine. And lastly, you need to monitor and control your calorie intake and ensure that you’re still adhering to a calorie deficit.

Now the last step here has to do with maintaining your new physique. Find a routine or hobby that you can now stick to that’ll enable you to maintain your new bodyweight and physique with ease.

Here’s a summary of what I’ve covered on how much cardio is needed to burn belly fat:

Step 1 (Baseline): Start at a low baseline level of cardio.

Step 2 (Increase): In gradual increments, increase the duration/difficulty of your weekly cardio sessions every time you reach a plateau.

Step 3 (Control): Control all other variables and keep them consistent (weights routine, daily steps, calorie intake) to avoid compensating for your cardio sessions.

Step 4 (Maintain): After you’ve successfully stripped off the belly fat, find a routine that’ll enable you to maintain your new bodyweight and physique.

Just keep in mind that you need to be pairing your cardio routine with a regular weightlifting routine and a solid nutrition plan, as these will both help speed up the process and ensure that you don’t just end up “skinny fat” by the end of your fat loss journey. And for a step by step plan that shows you exactly how to do this by optimizing your workouts, nutrition, and cardio plan for you such that you can lean down as efficiently as possible with science, just like countless of our members have done with their Built With Science programs, then simply take the analysis quiz below to discover which specific program is best for your body and where it’s currently at:
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*The scientific contents of this video have been proof-read and verified by published researcher Dr. K Rayani, PhD in Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology

Filmed by: Bruno Martin Del Campo





Why is it so hard to lose weight after 40?

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It is no secret that once you hit your 40s, it is harder to lose weight, something that is especially true for women. Subscribe to WBAL on YouTube now for more:

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Drinking Water To Lose Weight, The Water Diet !!!

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If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’ve probably heard it more than once, drink more water to help you lose more weight. So can drinking more water really help you lose weight? The short answer is yes .In this video we’re going to see the important things to know about the importance of drinking water to lose weight.

Drinking water helps boost your metabolism, cleanse your body of waste and acts as an appetite suppressant. Also, drinking more water helps your body stop retaining water, leading you to drop those extra pounds of water weight.
Water aids digestion and promotes the normal functioning of many body organs including the liver. Lack of regular intake of water will slow digestion, decrease fat metabolism and give you the feeling that you are bloated and tired.

Drinking sufficient quantity of water increases the rate at which our liver burns off fat. If you drink inadequate quantities of water, your liver ends up working exhaustively thus storing more fat as it becomes difficult to burn fat more effectively.

If you want to lose weight, you should drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. However, to really get the process moving, drink half your body weight in ounces each day. So, if you weigh 180 pounds, you should drink about 90 ounces of water a day — roughly 11 glasses of water.

Drinking ice cold water helps boost your metabolism because your body has to work harder to warm the water up, therefore burning more calories and helping you to lose weight. Plus, ice cold water is just so much more refreshing than water that’s room temperature.
Replace sweetened drinks with water. Instead of drinking soda, alcoholic beverages, smoothies, or other high-calorie drinks, grab a glass or bottle of water.

Swapping in a zero-calorie beverage for high-calorie alternatives can spare you hundreds of calories per day, further aiding in weight loss.
Drink water before you eat drinking water before meals can make you feel fuller and therefore reduce your food intake as it acts like an appetite suppressant.

Health resource website WebMD states that drinking water before meals results in an average reduction in intake of 75 calories per meal. Drinking water before just one meal per day would cause you to ingest 27,000 fewer calories per year. Do the math: You’d lose about eight pounds per year just from drinking water! Now imagine if you drank it before each meal.

How to Lose Weight Fast 10 kgs in 10 days | Natural Fat Burner Detox Drink | Easy Detox Water Recipe

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Reduce unwanted added weight on your body by taking this natural homemade fat burner drink – detox water recipe. This is an effective and simple weight loss recipe which helps to shed extra kilos.

Detailed written recipe at

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Lose weight. This video is on exercises to lose belly fat, exercises to lose weight, lose belly fat and weight loss exercises.

This weeks video is a two part episode on how to lose belly fat and weight. This episode will be focusing on exercises anyone can do at home to lose weight and belly fat, the first episode was on dietary advice. I’ve received a lot of messages and comments to make a video on this topic and now it’s finally ready. I really hope my tips help you and always remember you’re awesome!

You see the problem is that fat, isn’t just the inch you can pinch known as subcutaneous fat the real danger is the fat that’s in your abdomen and surrounding your internal organs known as visceral fat. Studies have shown visceral fat puts us at higher risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and in women it’s even shown to increase the risk of breast cancer.

If done correctly after 6 weeks the study showed a loss of just over 2cm around the waist of the participants which is great and you can do this without any diet change and see a difference.

Now these results are good but they’re definitely not as good as the diet change group which I spoke about in the first part of this video who lost 1kg a week and 5cm around the waist after 6 weeks.

And this because the participants who only did the abdominal exercises so no diet change only really improved their muscle tone. Now you might be thinking but Abraham what do you mean by that? Well we know by increasing your muscle tone your essentially holding fat in with muscle so they haven’t reduced the fat around the waist but it does give a thinner appearance hence the 2cm reduction.

Which is why it’s important not be fixated on just doing abdominal crunches to try and lose weight or belly fat. Yes these exercises have been shown to give a 2cm reduction in waste size after 6 weeks. But you also really need to make those dietary changes as explained in part one of this video for maximum impact.

If you do the diet correctly you should expect to lose 0.5 to 1kg every week which is great but here’s the best part after 6 weeks the study showed that each individual also reduced their dangerous visceral fat by 14% and they reduced their cholesterol, blood pressure and had a 5cm reduction in their waistline and that’s without any exercise so just imagine the results if you merge these abdominal exercise and diet change.

As explained this is a two part video this episode will be focusing on exercises that anyone can do at home to help lose belly fat. The first episode was on dietary advice and can be found at the following link:

Before beginning any diet it’s definitely worth checking if you actually need to lose weight as you may already be at a healthy weight and the easiest way to do this is to check your BMI at the following link:

In this video I had teamed up with The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) who regulate all medicines in the UK. Our aim in this video, was to warn people about the dangers of buying potentially life threatening diet pills from illegal online suppliers.

Almost 2 in 3 people suffered unpleasant side effects after taking dangerous online slimming pills, these included bleeding that wouldn’t stop, heart attacks, strokes and hallucinations!

For more information and guidance watch the video:

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Prescribing Media Pharmacist | Extreme Optimist | Bringing Science Through New Videos Every Week – Monday 4PM(GMT).

I’m a prescribing media pharmacist who loves science, making videos and helping people. I work in both GP surgeries and community pharmacy.

This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Abraham The Pharmacist has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.


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Today I am going to share how to lose weight with Intermittent Fasting, not diet, no exercise! I lost over 10 pounds in 10 days with the 16:8 fast method. Its super simple, healthy, and fast! I recommend this method of weight loss for anyone looking to burn fat and keep it off!

I start fasting at 7-8pm after dinner, and start eating 16+ hours after. Please listen to your body. If you are hungry…EAT!

Snapchat: sccastaneda

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At first glance, intermittent fasting for weight loss (and more importantly “fat loss”) seems pretty counter intuitive. The idea of skipping breakfast, consuming zero calories for several hours on end and then feasting within a designated time period goes against much of what’s typically believed to be optimal for fat loss and muscle retention. However, the truth is, intermittent fasting comes with several benefits that makes losing weight much easier to do. And when done properly, intermittent fasting can be a great tool to help you lose fat faster and for good – all without sacrificing tons of muscle mass in the process. In this video I’ll not only go through the various intermittent fasting benefits, but I’ll show you exactly how to do intermittent fasting to see the best results. We’ll cover how to begin fasting, the types of meals you should be eating, what an intermittent fasting diet looks like, whether you should train fasted or not, and so on. Give it a watch for the ultimate intermittent fasting guide! Cheers!


Jeremy Ethier Built With Science Workout Programs


The BEST Science-Based Diet for Fat Loss (All Meals Shown!)



Intermittent fasting for fat loss systematic review:
Circadian rhythms:
Females vs males fasting:
Artificial/natural sweeteners:
Calories/protein/post-workout timing:
Meal frequency and satiety:
Meal frequency and metabolism:
4 meals optimal for protein synthesis:
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Running For Weight Loss | Run Tips For Losing Weight

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What is the best way to lose weight from exercise? Anything that is active and gets your heart rate up and body moving will help, however, the cheapest and arguably most effective is running. We’ve got a strategy to help you use running as an effective tool for weight loss.

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Music – licensed by Epidemic Sound:
ES_Overthinking – Dylan Sitts copy
ES_Springbreak – Ooyy
ES_Springbreak (Instrumental Version) – Ooyy

Photos: © Triathlon / Getty Images

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Learning to love running, one of the simplest, most effective workouts of all time, takes patience and perseverance. In this video, we give you one of our best (and most doable!) workouts to begin running for weight loss.

Click the link BELOW for our FREE Quick Start Program, to start running & losing weight today!

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We Tried Intermittent Fasting For A Month | TODAY

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Two people try intermittent fasting – the 16:8 version of the popular diet, where you fast for 16 hours and eat for 8 hours. Will they lose weight? Watch as they fast for one whole month.

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We Tried Intermittent Fasting For A Month | TODAY
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👉Intermittent Fasting Plan!!💥 Guide to Intermittent Fasting➡Fast Fat Loss✔Weight loss tips👈

Intermittent fasting (intermittent energy restriction or intermittent calorie restriction) is an umbrella term for various eating diet plans that cycle between a period of fasting and non-fasting over a defined period. Intermittent fasting is under preliminary research to assess if it can produce weight loss comparable to long-term calorie restriction.

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Best Weight Loss
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Intermittent Fasting : How to Lose Weight and Get More Energy in 15 Days – Best of Oz Collection

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Intermittent Fasting : How to Lose Weight and Get More Energy in 15 Days - Best of Oz Collection

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How to Lose Weight and Get More Energy in 15 Days – Best of Oz Collection

Author Naomi Whittel explains how intermittent fasting and protein cycling work in the 15-day plan to reset your body. Find out what you can eat on low-protein days, where protein intake is limited to 25 grams.

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Top 10 Tips For Walking For Weight Loss

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Walking is one of the best ways to lose weight, my top 10 tips for walking for weight loss will help you burn calories fast and efficiently. Everybody knows how to walk and it’s an important aspect of how we remain healthy overtime. It’s not as intense as sprinting or jogging, but it’s impact on our bodies is sometimes taken for granted. If you guys enjoyed this video on walking for weight loss, subscribe to my channel to get similar content in the future. And as always, thanks for watching.
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"Walking" A Great Exercise for Weight Loss & Fitness, If You Know These Secrets!

“Walking” A Great Exercise for Weight Loss & Fitness, If You Know These Secrets!

Bob and Brad discuss the secrets to using walking as a form of exercise and weight loss.

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