Archive for the tag: Belly

FAT LOSS 101 FOR MEN (Chest Fat, Belly, Love Handles!)

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FAT LOSS 101 FOR MEN (Chest Fat, Belly, Love Handles!)

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Fat loss from the three most stubborn zones for men can be quite difficult, unless you have a plan. In this video, I share with you a three phase plan for losing fat in the abdomen, love handles or waistline area, and the chest. These spots are where most men carry their fat and are the last to lose it when dieting or trying to cut down. The reason for this is actually based on our genetics, but it doesn’t mean that we cannot do something about it.

Before we get started however, here is a list of the videos that I referenced in the video for you to watch:

How to Stretch Your Chest –
The 7 Minute Ab Workout –
Lose the Love Handles –

The first thing you have to realize is that all three of these areas share the common problem in that they look bad mostly because of the abundance of body fat. You may even have developed muscles underneath, but as long as the fat is present you will never get a chance to see what it looks like. This means that your priority has to be on cleaning up your nutrition. If you refuse to eat better, no matter what else you do, you will never look better.

Early on however, you don’t have to get too specific with your eating. Simply make a pass through your diet and get rid of the obvious garbage that you know is not helping your cause. Sweets, excessive alcohol, sugars, etc can all be removed and replaced with more nutritious foods. You don’t have to necessarily worry about your macros at this point but just getting rid of the junk food and liquid calories.

Realizing that it will take some time to see the results of these changes however, you should start chipping away at the trouble spots in another way. For the abdomen, you want to first ensure that you can properly activate the muscles in the rectus and transverse abdominis. Most find this difficult and even when they do perform ab exercises they get frustrated at not being able to feel them. Next, you want to start adding in ab training but mostly in the form of rotational ab exercises. Instead of trying to do crunches and having the fat get in the way of the movement, you can work your abs without having to crunch. Finally, you want to incorporate moves for your entire core, such as with the 7 minute ab workout included above.

When it comes to the love handles, you want to start by working the lats. Here especially, you want to focus on full contractions and range of motion to ensure proper development of the muscles that actually insert onto the top of the pelvis near your waistline. The more you can build these muscles the greater the visual differential between your waist and your shoulders and the better the v taper. Next add in direct ab work and finish up with direct oblique training for the best look as your diet gets dialed in.

Finally, for the chest you want to stretch it and strengthen the muscles of the rotator cuff to posturally improve the visual appearance of your chest. From here, work the serratus anterior. This will give your chest more natural underlying support will helping to visually chisel out the area underneath. Finally, you want to make sure that as your body fat levels decrease and fat loss continues that you are working your chest in all three heads. Use the angles of the band work as an example of how to hit the upper, lower and middle chest.

For a complete program that helps men to lose fat day by day in a step by step way, be sure to head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Start training like an athlete and watch how much more easily your body will get rid of fat and allow you to build lean muscle.

For more videos on fat loss for men and how to get rid of chest fat or love handles, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at
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Hey guy, you are welcome back to my channel. in today’s video i want to show you a fat cutter tea that will burn all those excessive belly fat in days. if you find this video helpful please hit the like button SUBSCRIBE to my channel and please share this video.

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Disclosure: All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this video is for general purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. I am not a licensed professional so make sure to consult with your professional consultant in case you need to.
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Lose Belly Fat In 3 Days With an Easy Egg Diet

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How to get rid of belly fat fast and for good? There is an easy egg diet that will get you in shape in less than a week. Let’s see how to reduce belly fat in just 3 days using eggs.

We have found a perfect way to become slimmer, more energetic, and overall healthier. No horrifying medical procedures or starving for days on end! Just one simple ingredient – and the process of weight loss will jump into action. You will see the result in no more than 3 days! Are you ready for the miracle?

5 shocking facts about obesity 0:28
What you shouldn’t do if you want to lose weight 1:55
Avoid the following products to get rid of belly fat 3:43
Why an egg is such an incredible product 5:21
3-day egg diet 6:21
Health benefits of drinking green tea 8:00

Keep this way for 3 days and see what will happen! Share the results you have achieved in the comments below the video, but let’s agree – no cheating while you are following this diet!

Music: The Process – Lakey Inspired is licensed under a Creative Commons license (

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Wrap This around Your Belly And Burn Belly Fat Overnight!

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Wrap This around Your Belly And Burn Belly Fat Overnight! Find out how to make this powerful body that will help you lose belly fat fast


The belly is the most difficult area to lose fat. Lots of fat accumulate in your belly area than around your arm and thighs.

You may have tried various diets and exercises and even fasted in order to reduce your stomach fat. But don’t worry, in this video we are going to reveal a secret trick that will help you lose weight almost overnight.

This fat burning method cost next to nothing and can be prepared at home.

Make sure to watch the full video and comment below if you have any questions.
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How to Lose Belly Fat in 1 Week – Lose Belly Fat Fast

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Lose belly fat fast. How to lose belly fat in 1 week: Concerned about your belly fat, and want it gone fast? Here’re few tips for the best way to lose belly fat in 1 week.
The question of how to lose stomach fat in a week cannot be overstated, sure some people may doubt it, but losing belly fat in a week is easily doable and has been done before. When the question of how to lose stomach fat fast is asked, it should be how many pounds, because losing belly in a week, could mean 2 pounds, 4 pounds, or even a pound of belly fat. Whether you’re a woman looking for ways on how to burn belly fat, or a man looking for best way to lose belly fat for men, the goal is achievable if you follow the steps mentioned here in this video for steps on how to lose belly fat in one week.

Is it really possible to lose that annoying belly fat in seven days? Nutritionists and physical trainers have come up with effective ways on how to lose belly fat in a week, so you can transform yourself for the better in as little time as possible. With enough focus and dedication, you can enjoy having a flat tummy and a healthier body. Starting from the first thing you do in the morning to your bedtime rituals, these tips will help you take inches off your waist fast when you easily lose belly fat in 1 week at home. Here’s how!

This video is translated and captioned in eleven languages: English, Spanish, Mandarin or Chinese, Hindi, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, French, Japanese, German, and Italian. To access your preferred language, please click on the settings’ button at the bottom of the video to choose your preferred captioned language. – waysandhow, DIY, DIY video, how-to


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DIY Body wrap to loose inches QUICK using Chest rub/ Vapor Rub.
I have been doing this 2-3x per week!

All you need is vapor rup and plastic wrap!! Please give this video a Thumbs up & Don’t forget to Share it!! 🤗
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Top 10 Foods That Burn Belly Fat 2017

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Top 10 Foods That Burn Belly Fat 2017
Top 10 Foods That Burn Belly Fat
Foods That Burn Belly Fat
Burn Belly Fat
Best 10 Foods That Burn Belly Fat 2017
Best Foods That Burn Belly Fat 2017
Best Foods That Burn Belly Fat

Looking for a powerful home fat burning workout? Then you will love this hybrid full body workout.

Check out our brand new 21 Day Express Fat Loss Challenge here :

In this home fat loss workout we use just 4 exercises and combine them in a powerful workout structure that will help you burn a lot of calories and fat in just 10 minutes per day.
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fastest way to lose belly fat by Arnold | Interview | TopNewsage

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fastest way to lose belly fat by Arnold asking in Interview.
how to lose belly fat ? or how to lose belly fat fast? Let Arnold answer your query.
You will get answers on how to lose belly fat for men & also on
how to lose belly fat for women.

approaches to Lose belly fat:
overweight does now not necessarily equal unhealthy.

There are a lot of overweight humans who are in first-rate well being (1).

Conversely, many regular weight folks have the metabolic issues related to obesity (2).

The fat below the epidermis is virtually no longer that colossal of a predicament (as a minimum now not from a wellness standpoint, it’s more of a cosmetic plight).

It’s the fats in the stomach cavity, the stomach fats, that explanations the most critical problems (three).

If in case you have some excess fat around your waistline, even if you’re no longer very heavy, you then should take some steps to get rid of it.

Belly fats are more commonly estimated via measuring the circumference around your waist. This will comfortably be performed at dwelling with an easy tape measure.

Anything above 40 inches (102 cm) in men and 35 inches (88 cm) in ladies, is often called abdominal obesity.

There are just many proven procedures which were shown to goal the fat within the belly field more than different areas of the body.

Listed below are six proof-headquartered ways to lose belly fat.

1. Don’t eat sugar and avoid sugar-sweetened drinks

Soda Bottles

delivered sugar could be very unhealthy.

Stories show that it has uniquely unsafe effects on metabolic health (four).

Sugar is half glucose, half of the fructose, and fructose can only be metabolized through the liver in any considerable quantity (5).

While you devour a variety of refined sugar, the liver gets overloaded with fructose and is pressured to show all of it into fats (6).

2. Consuming more protein is an exceptional lengthy-time period strategy to minimize stomach fat
Protein is the essential macronutrient concerning dropping pounds (12).

It has been shown to diminish cravings by 60%, improve metabolism by using 80-a hundred calories per day and help you devour up to 441 fewer calories per day (13, 14, 15, sixteen).

If weight reduction is your intention, then including protein is perhaps the single most strong alternate you can do to your food plan.

Three. Cut carbs out of your weight-reduction plan

Carb restrict is a compelling approach to lose fat.

This is supported by using numerous reviews. When individuals cut carbs, their urge for food goes down, and so they drop a few pounds.

Four. Eat meals rich in fiber, especially viscous fiber.

Brunette is eating Salad With a Fork.

Dietary fiber is generally indigestible plant matter.

It’s quite often claimed that eating a lot of fiber can aid with weight reduction.

That is authentic, but it’s fundamental to maintain in mind that no longer all fiber is created equal.

It seems to be quite often the soluble and viscous fibers that have an impact on your weight.

5. Endeavor may be very effective at decreasing belly fat

running shoes

recreation is principal for various factors.

It is one of the quality things you can do if you want to live a long, healthy lifestyle and prevent sickness.

Entering the entire powerful well-being advantages of pastime is past the scope of this text, but endeavor does seem to be potent at decreasing belly fats.
6. Track your meals and figure out exactly what and how so much you might be consuming

Apple And Calculator

What you devour is essential. Traditionally each person is aware of this.

Nonetheless, incredibly, most men and women don’t have a clue what they’re mainly consuming.

Persons believe they’re consuming “high protein,” “low-carb” or anything, but tend to enormously over- or underestimate.

I feel that for anyone who truly desires to optimize their eating regimen, monitoring matters for a while is most likely fundamental.

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How I Lost Belly Fat In 7 Days: No Strict Diet No Workout!

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How to get rid of your lower belly pooch? Are you familiar with the situation when you want to put on some item of clothing hanging in the back of your closet, but something holds you back from it? Your belly! This problem can be solved. If you wanna know how to do it just watch our new video!

What to do to reduce bloating 1:56
How to get rid of water weight 3:40
How to change your lifestyle and reconsider your diet 5:24

#weightloss #7days #bellyfatweek


– Fat isn’t always the culprit when it comes to extra inches around the midsection. If you’ve just recently noticed that you’re not fitting into your clothes the way you did not so long ago, it’s more likely to be a result of bloating and water weight.
– Bloating is definitely not fat. It’s air or gas that collects in your gut and causes the stomach to feel tight, full, and swollen.
– Consuming more ginger is another bloat-reducing trick. You can drink it as a tea or eat it fresh.
– Much sodium (which is the stuff that’s in salt) causes the body to retain more water.
– Your biggest ally when it comes to reducing water weight is…water! Surprising, right? But it’s true; the more water you drink, the less liquid builds up in your body!
– Carbonated drinks make you bloated and gassy.
– The lifestyle changes were a no-brainer. Instead of the elevator, you should take the stairs; instead of parking near the entrance to some place, you should park further away and walk; instead of sitting in front of the TV all evening, you should go for short 15 to 30-minute walks.

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10 At-Home Exercises to Get Rid of Belly Fat In a Month

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How to get rid of belly fat quickly? 💪 If you have no time to go to the gym, try these 10 at-home exercises to finally lose belly fat once and for all! It will take you a month to reduce excess fat around your waistline. No leaving your house, no special equipment needed, and no excuses! 💥

#1. 5 Jumping Jacks + 1 Burpee 1:00
#2. 4 Mountain Climbers + 2 Sit-throughs 2:08
#3. Plyo step-ups 3:21
#4. Push-ups 4:08
#5. 2 Split Squat Jumps + 1 Burpee 4:50
#6. Toe Taps 5:34
#7. Plank Walks 6:29
#8. Sprinter Sit-ups 7:28
#9. Squat thrusts 8:15
#10. Sumo Goblet Squat Pulses 9:01

#absworkout #flatstomach #bellyfat

Music by Epidemic Sound

– Jumping jacks are a great way to get that heart pumping. Plus, you’ll burn calories while building muscle strength.
– Mountain climbers are a cardio exercise, which means they burn fat like no other. They also target your upper and lower abs, shoulders, and leg muscles.
– Plyo step-ups increase your overall leg strength, really hitting those quads, calves, and lower abs. It can also help if you have some issues with your lower back.
– Push-ups train all kinds of muscles in your body. This plank-like position targets your abs and obliques, pushing up works your chest muscles, and lowering yourself back down targets your upper arms and back.
– Split squat jumps are a great exercise for lean and strong legs. They strengthen your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and, of course, abs!
– The act of bringing your leg up actually engages your lower abs. That’s why we do leg exercises to get rid of belly fat!
– If you’re looking for an exercise to sculpt your core, the plank is it! It even targets those deep abdominal muscles, which, when trained, work as a sort of natural corset for your waistline.
– Sprinter sit-ups work not only your abs but your hip flexors as well. And that’s a good thing, since hip flexor muscles often get too tight and don’t allow you to have a full range of motion.
– Squat thrusts are perfect for toning your muscles and burning fat. They involve your abs, glutes, hamstrings, quads, triceps, shoulders, and chest.
– Sumo goblet squat pulses mostly target your quads. But they also strengthen your calves, hip flexor, glutes, and outer thighs as well as tighten your abs.

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10min Of This Burns Belly Fat Fast : 100% Bodyweight Workout

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In my previous video I spoke about the only 9 exercises you need to transform your body at home ( See them here : ) and in today’s video I put my money where my mouth is by showing how an effective fat burning workout using just 4 of those 9 exercises.

So if you are ready to burn fat and get ripped start adding this workout to your weekly exercises routine.

Ready to transform your body at home? Check out this 100% bodyweight workout program :

10min Of This Burns Belly Fat Fast : 100% Bodyweight Workout

How to Lose Belly Fat in 1 Week

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