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The BEST Way To Lose Weight In 2020

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TDEE Calculator:

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Music: @justinxquigley
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So, breastfeeding and losing weight is another very popular topic. Because, everyone wants to get back into their old jeans.

They’ve been in maternity clothes for nine months. They’re tired of them. And, you see your jeans hanging in your closet with that small waist. And you are hankering to get back into them.

So, breastfeeding and losing weight. Most weight is going to come off very quickly while you’re breastfeeding because your body is burning 500 calories.

There are programs, like Weight Watchers does have a nursing program, that will keep your calorie count up, in order to sustain that.

If you diet dramatically and you start to see a very, very quick weight loss, your milk supply is going to take a severe hit. So, you do not want to have very, very rapid and drastic weight loss while you’re breastfeeding.

So, if anything, just eat well. At the six week mark, once your doctor has given you the go-ahead, start to exercise again. All of that is absolutely fine. Your weight will come off.

But, no severe dieting. And, yes, it’s fine to workout heavily when you’re breastfeeding. You’re going to need a good bra that’s going to hold you in. But, the baby is not going to reject the breast when you come back from a run.

All I would recommend is wiping down the sweat off of the breast. Because that can cause them to turn away. Has nothing to do with any kind of build up of anything. It doesn’t sour your milk, which I have heard many times as well.

And, everything should be fine. Your weight will come off very gradually. And you will probably hold on to a good five to seven pounds of fluid until the baby’s completely weaned.

But, go for it. Eat well. No drastic weight loss. And exercise. And you will start to shed pounds.

Cardio vs Weights (Best Way to Burn Fat)

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Cardio vs Weights (Best Way to Burn Fat)

Cardio or Weight Training? Which way is the best way to burn fat? Which is best for fat loss and overall weight loss? I answer all of these questions and more in today’s video. Use your time efficiently by learning which one of these is best for fat loss. Once you know how to burn fat and gain muscle at the gym progress accelerates.

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Fat Loss Calculator:

Traditional Cardio (Steady State, Long Duration) 1:00
Fat Burning Zone 2:11
Weight Training & Burning Calories 3:46
Higher Heart Rate 5:47
Cardio After Weights 6:06
Peripheral Heart Action Training 6:51
High Intensity Training Routine 8:39

If you’re trying to burn fat why not do it in a way that has you working smarter rather than harder. Most people automatically assume that cardio is better for fat loss and weights are better for building muscle. And this may be true if you compare traditional steady-state cardio to traditional weight training but there are different forms of weight training that incorporate very effective new training techniques that may be far more beneficial for fat loss. So If youre the type of person that wouldnt mind burning fat faster with less effort then stick with me through this video because I’m going to give you a couple surprising new ways that you could lose fat way faster with both cardio and weight training models and ill make sure that you fully understand which one is best for you and your goals. Now if you’re looking for the quick overnight fix I don’t have that for you but this is as close as you’re going to get to that magic bullet quick fix to spending less time in the gym while burning more fat from your workouts. So let’s start first by taking a closer look at Cardio and weight training at their core. Traditional cardio is usually performed on a treadmill an elliptical stair climber a bike or even on a rowing machine. When I talk about traditional cardio I’m mostly referring to steady-state long duration cardio where you’re continuously repeating the same low to moderate intensity motions like jogging, biking, or swimming for an extended period of time. Most of traditional types of cardio are forms of aerobic training. Aerobic training primarily involves using oxygen to sufficiently meet the body’s energy demands during exercise. On the other hand traditional weight training where you lift a heavy weight load for a certain amount of reps before taking a break and then repeating for more sets, THAT is considered anaerobic training. With anaerobic training oxygen alone cannot supply enough energy to meet the demands placed on the body so glycogen from the muscles is primarily used to fuel the activity. Generally speaking, you’ll burn more calories for each session of cardio than weight training for about the same amount of effort. Minute per minute, cardio burns more calories. But does that mean that cardio is better for fat loss? Let’s take a closer look. For a long time it was believed that to burn the maximum amount of fat you had to stay in what was known as the fat burning zone which mostly could only be maintained through aerobic cardiovascular activity. The idea behind the fat burning zone was that you would burn a higher percentage of fat calories rather than carb calories when you stayed at about 70 percent of your maximum heart rate. And this made sense to most people because once an activity became too intense the pathway for energy would change to anaerobic and begin primarily burning glycogen or carbs for fuel rather than using fat oxidation. However, it’s been proven that the fat burning zone is a myth because both types of training aerobic and anaerobic can burn plenty of fat. And if you burn more overall calories from a higher intensity workout like the ones I’m about to share with you, so anything above roughly 70% of your maximum heart rate you might be burning a higher percentage of carbs, but you’re also burning more overall calories because you’re heart rate is higher and the activity is more intense. So even if you have a smaller percentage of fat coming from a larger overall number of calories, you can still wind up burning more fat. This is easy to understand if I give you an example like take 50 percent of a smaller number like 500, and then take 30 percent of a larger number like 1,000. Just because you’re burning a higher percentage of fat from lower intensity exercise like steady state cardio, doesn’t mean that you’re burning more fat. On top of that even though we know cardio will typically burn more calories per session than weight training, research has shown that you burn more calories in the hours and sometimes days following a weight training session when compared to a cardio workout. Also weight training

🔥 FREE 6 Week Body Transformation Challenge:

Study comparing weights vs cardio:
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The science is in: Exercise isn’t the best way to lose weight

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Why working out is great for health, but not for weight loss, explained in five minutes.

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The Best Science-Based Diet for Fat Loss (ALL MEALS SHOWN!)

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When it comes to “the best diet to lose weight” (also known as a “cutting diet”), you’ll get A LOT of suggestions as to which diet to lose weight fast you should follow. However, the truth is that whether it’s keto, intermittent fasting, paleo, and so on, all of these diets work by making it easier for you to eat at a calorie deficit. These diets don’t have a “secret” fat loss effect which has been proven time and time again in the literature. Simply meaning that the best weight loss diet or the best diet for abs for example is the one that you can adhere to the best. However, weight loss is one thing and fat loss is a whole other variable which is MUCH more important when it comes to improving your physique. When it comes to optimizing the best fat loss diet, you need to pay attention to how much protein,fats, and carbs you’re ingesting on a daily basis. I go through how to optimize each of these factors to create the best fat burning diet in my video. I also show a daily nutrition/meal plan (full day of eating) for fat loss with various examples/macros of what I personally eat on a daily basis.


LINK TO FOOD SCALE (this is an affiliate link and I will get a portion of the sale, so thank you in advance!):


The BEST Science-Based Diet for Fat Loss (All Meals Shown!)

Diet meta-analysis:
Lose 0.7% bodyweight per week:
Eric Helms study:
Brad protein spread out:
Post-workout meal:
Meal before bed:
Under-reporting calories:


Song 1: Lakey Inspired – The Process
Song 2: Lakey inspired – Chill Day
Song 3: Lakey Inspired – Better Days
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7 Easy & Best Exercises to Burn Belly Fat Fast At Home | HealthTips24HD

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7 Easy & Best Exercises to Burn Belly Fat Fast At Home | #HealthTips24HD
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Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Health Tips channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.
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