Archive for the tag: Boost

Brain Foods for Brain Health – Boost Brain Health with Good Eats

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Brain Foods for Brain Health - Boost Brain Health with Good Eats

Good Food is Good Medicine blog:

Dr. Liz Applegate’s presentation discusses specific foods and dietary supplements that may enhance brain health and transform diet to one that supports healthy aging and memory performance. Dr. Applegate is Director of Sports Nutrition and a Distinguished Lecturer at the University of California, Davis. Her educational focus is eating for optimal health and performance. She writes a column for Runner’s World, appears on national TV & radio and speaks to people of all ages about practical and science based approaches to optimizing oneself through diet.

This lecture is part of UC Davis Health System’s Alzheimer’s Disease Center 2016 Community Lecture Series sponsored by Sunrise Senior Living and Aegis Living. It was delivered live at the Lesher Center for the Arts in Walnut Creek, California on November 29, 2016.

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(USMLE topics, neurology) Effect of aerobic exercise on cognitive functions, depression treatment, and neuroplasticity, mechanisms involved. This video is available for instant download licensing here :
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Voice by: Ashley Fleming
All images/videos by Alila Medical Media are for information purposes ONLY and are NOT intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Apart from body fitness, physical exercise also has beneficial effects on the brain. A regular routine of aerobic exercise can improve memory, thinking skills, moods; and have protective effects against aging, injuries and neurodegenerative disorders.
It is noteworthy that these effects are specific to “aerobic” exercise – the kind of exercise that accelerates heart rate and respiratory rate, such as running, cycling, swimming… Non-aerobic activities, such as stretching or muscle building, do not have the same effect. The effects appear to result from increased blood flow to the brain and subsequent increase in energy metabolism. A certain degree of intensity is required to achieve the beneficial outcome.
Aerobic exercise increases the production of several growth factors of the nervous tissue, known as neurotrophic factors, among which BDNF, for Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, has a central role. BDNF exerts a protective effect on existing neurons, and stimulates formation of new neurons from neural stem cells in a process called neurogenesis.
BDNF appears to coordinate its action with at least 2 other growth factors: insulin-like growth factor 1, IGF-1, and vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF, whose expression levels also increase following aerobic exercise. BDNF interacts with IGF-1 to induce neurogenesis, while VEGF stimulates growth of new blood vessels, a process known as angiogenesis. Together these processes improve survival of existing neurons, produce new brain tissue, and constitute the brain’s enhanced plasticity that underlies the exercise-induced protective effect against aging, degenerative diseases and injuries.
Changes in BDNF levels are observed throughout the brain but are most remarkable in the hippocampus, the area that is responsible for memory retention and learning. In fact, regular exercise has been shown to increase the size of the hippocampus and improve cognitive functions.
While acute exercise, defined as a single workout, can produce significant changes in BDNF levels and subsequent improvements in learning performance; a regular exercise program progressively increases BDNF baseline level and make its response steadier overtime. It appears that some cognitive functions are enhanced immediately after a single workout, while others only improve following a consistent exercise routine.
The immediate effect of acute exercise is most remarkable on the body’s affective state. A single bout of exercise can promote positive emotions, suppress negative feelings, reduce the body’s response to stress, and sometimes, after intense exercise, induce a euphoric state known as “runner’s high” sensation. These effects may persist for up to 24 hours, and are thought to result from exercise-induced upregulation of several neurotransmitters involved in mood modulation. These include:
– Dopamine – a neurotransmitter of the brain reward pathways;
– Serotonin, commonly known as the substance of well-being and happiness, whose low levels in the brain have been associated with depressive disorders;
– Beta-endorphin, or endogenous morphine, an endogenous opioid;
– and anandamide, an endogenous cannabinoid, a substance related to psychoactive chemicals in marijuana. Endogenous opioids and cannabinoids are involved in pain modulation, stress and anxiety reduction and are believed to underlie the “runner’s high” sensation.
Video Rating: / 5

How to Boost Metabolism and Lose Weight Without Dieting

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HOW TO BURN FAT FASTER? (Without Dieting)

Why do some people eat a lot but never gain weight? ‘Metabolism’ is the reason why they can eat everything without gaining weight, while others eat less and still gain weight.

Metabolism is the process by which food is broken down to release energy. Your metabolic rate reflects how much energy your body requires to carry out its basic functions like breathing, eating, sleeping, digesting food and more.

If your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is high, you burn more calories, even while resting.

Your metabolism is determined by multiple factors, including genetics, age, gender, thyroid problems and hormone levels. Women have a slower metabolism than men because women naturally have a higher body fat percentage.

– Lack of exercise
– Low muscle mass
– Irregular eating habits
– Eating too much fat
– Crash dieting
– Protein deficiency
– Too much alcohol
– Stress and lack of sleep

‘Increasing the metabolism’ is the holy grail of weight watchers. It is a quick, safe, healthy, natural and effective way to permanent fat loss. Here’s how you can do it:

(1) Start Weight Training

– BMR is much higher in people with more muscle.
– The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn even when you are at rest.
– Every pound of muscle uses about 6 calories a day, just to sustain itself, while each pound of fat burns only 2 calories.
– So start lifting weights and build muscles in order to improve your metabolism.

(2) Add HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) to Weight Training

– Do 30 minutes Run-Walk workout: Walk for 2 minutes then run for 1 minute. Keep doing this for 30 minutes.
– Some other HIIT activities are sprint intervals, treadmill intervals, kick boxing, jump rope, resistance sprints, football and tennis.
– HIIT burns more calories in short period of time and improves your BMR.

(3) Eat Every 2-3 Hours

– Each time you eat, you stimulate your metabolism for a short period of time, which means that the more often you eat, the more you will increase your metabolism.
– Eating small meals every 2 to 3 hours feeds muscle and burns fat.
– Frequent eating doesn’t mean eating junk food.
– Make each mini-meal complete with a serving of vegetables and a healthy source of protein.

(4) Eat More Protein

– Include healthy sources of protein in your meals such as lentils (Indian dal), whey protein, spinach (palak), chickpeas (channa), kidney beans (rajma), broccoli, cheese, paneer, soybeans, yogurt, milk, lean beef, turkey, fish and egg whites.
– It helps you build muscles.

(5) Eat Metabolism Boosters

– Eat a tablespoon of chili and pepper in your food to increase your metabolism.
– Add ginger in food to speed up the body’s digestion process.
– Have a green tea 3-5 times a day. It can burn up to 80 extra calories without any effort.


(1) Crash Dieting

The worst thing you can do to your metabolism is ‘starve yourself’. Although crash diets may help you lose weight, but you will lose muscles mass as well. The lower your muscle mass, the slower your metabolism.

(2) Late Night Eating

When you sleep, your metabolism slows down because your body doesn’t need energy. It turns any unneeded food into fat.

(3) Too much cardio

It will actually burn your muscle tissues. A better way to boost metabolism through exercise is to start a strength-training routine along with cardio.

I have tried to put forward this super complicated subject in a simple way, still if you have any further query, leave me a comment below. I will see you again next Saturday with a new article. Stay Wow..!!
Video Rating: / 5